The June training course was the highlight of the windsurfing year for me so far. 6 new members did extremely well to grasp the theory and getting to grips with the sport and doing very well as you can see. The 2nd time Richard and Martin have put on a course, and after receiving top marks from the student feedback scores then we are getting quite good at it too! Thanks to the volunteer instructors, Keith, and Paul for giving up their time for free.

Lots of sailing despite the wind blowing from all directions at once! Well done Sam, Mark, Darren, David, Mike and Esme.

Dave passed away yesterday morning (24 May), after several months of declining health. Dave has been a long standing member, on the committee for at least a couple of decades, membership secretary, and a very progressive Club Chairman (2009 to 2014). The Club boat, beginner equipment, and team of RYA instructors are all down to the grants Dave secured for the Club.
Our thoughts go out to Judith and family at this difficult time. We will be thinking of Dave when we are next out on the water.

Pic. Dave (Left of the parrot!) in his natural environment with some of the Club characters, and new Club boards.

Leave comment on the Club facebook page here

30 May update: The family are arranging a gathering on Friday 14 July to celebrate Dave’s life, everyone will be welcome. Details to follow. A ‘Just giving’ fundraising page has been set up to support ‘Outward Bound Trust’ to help equip children with skills for life. The link to ‘windsurfingdave’ with some pics, an explanation, and to donate via Just Giving can be found here.

With 25 volunteers (yes 25!), over a hundred visitors, 45 trained and windsurfing then this was another great open day to remember. The team worked hard to squeeze as many visitors on the day as possible, probably a record? So thanks go to Tone, John, Peter, Gillian, Leisl, Wendy, Steve, Paul, Trish, Chris, Neil, Darren, Keith, Richard, Simon, Martin, Wendy, Chris, Jeff, Gillian, Gareth, Dave, and Glen.

Excellent weather, great company – another perfect day at the Club. Let us know if you are interested in the June and July 2 day windsurfing courses. email

19 May update – places still available and a perfect weather forecast, yippee!

This is a day not to be missed, our open days have a great reputation, with hospitality 2nd to none. We love these open days and our guests do too! Everyone is welcome.

This is your chance to have a go at windsurfing, and or just come along to have a look, have a cake & cuppa and say hello. You should leave very chilled after spending time on our beautiful beach.

We teach the basics on our beach-based simulator by our experienced and qualified RYA Windsurfing Instructors, and followup with a session on the water.

  • Open 10am to 3:30pm. Allow 2 hours, last entry 2pm.
  • Land based simulator instruction by our RYA qualified instructors, and on the water coaching with safety cover.
  • Bring: a swimsuit, towel, and old pair of trainers, £5 entry fee and go for it attitude.
  • Wetsuit, buoyancy aid, instruction, drinks and cakes* all included
  • Spare places will be available on the day on a ‘first come first served basis’, although booking in advance recommended, email

* Donations to cover the excellent drinks and cakes are discretionary.

Children under 8 yrs are unlikely to be strong enough, all students must be able to swim 25m, and be confident going on the water.

Anyone joining on the day and who wishes to complete a 2 days full beginner training course will be given priority, discounted joining, and ridiculously cheap training course fees.

Members, please remember the beach is closed to members for usual windsurfing as it’s just too busy on the beach, sorry.

In August 2016 it came as a bit of a shock to learn our beach landlord had decided to sell the northern part of Hickling Broad, which naturally raised concerns with us, our neighbours, and other water users too.

The Norfolk Wildlife Trust are soon to be our new landlords. Brendan Joyce, Chief Executive of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust says:

“Norfolk Wildlife Trust wants to work positively with everyone who uses Hickling Broad including the sailing, angling and windsurfing interests to ensure we can maintain and protect its internationally important wildlife. This is a real opportunity to work together in a sustainable way where everyone who has an interest in Hickling sees the wildlife as its most important asset and works with us to protect it for the future.”

Martin Harwood says “The committee are very excited with the prospect of working with Brendan and his colleagues at the Trust, and look forward to building a great relationship for the benefit of all those who share the water”.

If you would like to make a donation to the NWT appeal then please use the link below.

NWT fundraising donations page