Buddy System
The Club has launched a new buddy system in 2022. The Club Buddy team is made up of experienced club members, some are qualified instructors, and some not, but are more than capable to provide an overview of the Clubs facilities, and general advice on where to sail and what to look out for.
The Buddy Lead is Richard, and requests should be emailed to editorhwc@gmail.com. Richard will convey your request to the Buddy team, and hopefully a Buddy will step forward to help you. This can’t be guaranteed, as they are all busy people.
Alternatively, please feel free to approach any member at the Club as they may be able to help you on the day.
Member Only Facebook pages (search fb for: Hickling Windsurfing Club Members)
Another option is to join our member-only facebook page, and ask for help there. We currently have over 60 members on our fb page. This has a wealth of news and information to help members get going. To gain access, please click on this link and quote the main membership name.
Public facing Club facebook pages – The Club also has a ‘shop window’ fb page open to the whole internet. This is designed to keep our key stakeholders and general public updated about the Club progress, and what we are all about. Over 350 people and organisations subscribe to this page.
Club ‘HWC Beginners’ WhatsApp Group
Due to a large influx of beginners this year (2022) we have set up a special Club WA group (HWC Beginners) to support this group of enthusiastic new members. Knowledge, tips, and advice is being shared. Existing members are welcome to join this group too. Please email editorhwc@gmail.com to apply.
There is also a non-club WhatsApp group, where people advise when sailing at Hickling or Wells. Please appreciate the Club has no control over content, behaviour, or the members belonging to this group. Please therefore do not share gate codes, or send messages to the committee via this group. As per usual social media etiquette, please remember to be kind, considerate, and avoid criticisms or complaints of any individual or groups of people.
Setting up of Beginner and Intermediate Equipment.
Club equipment is easily damaged, so members must be shown how to do this properly. So, it’s important members ask for a Buddy session to show how to do this. Please contact Rory if you wish for more information on the Beginner or Intermediate kit:
Text or WhatsApp Rory on 07771 940581.